General terms and conditions of sale

- Students must be at least 18 years old, or, 16 with parental consent.
- Non beginners have to take a written positioning test on-line or at the Alliance Française. Oral skills are evaluated during the first day of class, or during a Skype interview with the pedagogical staff.
- Students who wish to enroll at the Alliance Française from their own country must consider the local legislation, which may vary according to whether the country belongs to the European Union or not. For more information:
- After filling in the registration form and providing the official identity documents, the student must pay the registration fee and the pre-registration fee (approximately 25 % of the total amount of the course, depending on the chosen duration). The amounts are indicated on the registration form. The Alliance Française provides a pre-registration certificate for visa or residence permit process. Attention: Only the student visa can be extended in France. The Alliance Française is not responsible if the student does not get his visa.
Students must take out an individual insurance covering all the risks of his trip and his stay. The Alliance Française does not take care of the insurance procedures.
- The Alliance Française operates on a session basis, the catalogue rates are all-inclusive and can be consulted on the registration form.
- Bank holidays are made up by the limit of 1 per session.
- For the intensive general courses, the minimum duration of enrollment is one week. For the extensive courses it is two and the maximum is 9 months and depending on the on the result of the positioning test.
- For schedules, please refer to the registration form.
- The dates of sessions for beginners (intensive or extensive courses) are specified in the calendar and must be respected. For pedagogical reasons, beginner students cannot integrate mid-term courses. For other levels, integration is possible during the session.
- For individual registrations
- For any courses and duration, the enrollment (registration) fee is valid for one year and for one person and cannot be subject to any reimbursement.
- Students who were enrolled in another Alliance Française in France during the same calendar year do not need to pay enrollment fees (on presentation of documentary evidence).
- The outstanding balance is payable no later than 2 weeks before the start of the course. Access to the courses will not be authorized unless the payment is completed within this timeframe.
- The groups are made up of 8 to 16 people for the face-to-face courses and 5 to 8 people for the online courses. Registration will be validated within the limit of available places. Conversely, in the event of insufficient numbers, a course may be cancelled. In the event that another course cannot be offered, the full amount of the course will be refunded.
- For a enrollment for a three-month Path or a six-month Path, the entire amount of the fee is payable before the beginning of the courses. The price includes respectively 7% and 10% of reduction on the entire amount.
- The organization reserves the right to make changes to prices, dates and courses without prior notice.
- Bank charges are at the expense of the students (applicable for students outside of the Euro zone).
- The learning material is not included in the fees and can be purchased at the Alliance Française.
- Private lessons are subject to specific terms which are communicate before the registration or available on demand.
- Exam fees are to be paid upon registration.
- For third-party payers’registrations (companies, organizations, Alliances Françaises or other legal entities). The registration can be made at the Alliance Française, by email or postal mail For a registration to be valid, the third-party payers have to carry out the following formalities:
- Read the Terms and Conditions and send back the registration form signed and dated. Upon signing the latter, the payer accepts the responsibility of the payment of all the tuition and accommodation fees.
- For not complete beginners, the students must send back the positioning test.
- The Alliance Française will provide you with a quotation. Before signing the quote, the third-party payer can ask for one modification.
- Once the quotation is accepted and signed, the Alliance Française sends the enrollment certificate and accommodation details if applicable. The stay options are then definitive. Any further modification will be charged 30 €.
- Report, cancellation and refund terms are the same as for individual students, but any monies will be refunded to the third-party payer and not the student.
- Students have to attend classes regularly. An Attendance Certificate can be given at the end of the course upon request.
- Unjustified absences cannot be caught up or reimbursed.
- Absences must be reported to the administration.
- Students are required to arrive on time, except in exceptional cases, no later than the close of the administration offices (see opening hours).
- In any case, late arrivals may be refused by the teacher in order not to disrupt the work in progress.
- Students who want to extend the duration of their course have to pay at least 1 week before the beginning of the new session. The acceptance of the new reregistration is subject to availability of the course.
- Discounts are only granted on full course sessions.
Any request for deferral or reimbursement must be made in writing, with supporting documents (see examples of supporting documents in the specific conditions). Any deferral has to be processed within the 12 months following the course initial starting date. No rescheduling is accepted without complete payment of the course fees.
- Before the beginning of the course
- To cancel or modify a registration, a written request addressed to the Director has to be sent two weeks before the starting date of the course at the latest. In case of cancellation, the amount of the pre-registration will be retained on the refund (except in any case of force majeure).
- Registrations made by mail or online leads to a right of cancellation of 7 days from the date of the order, unless the classes have already started.
- If a visa cannot be obtained, the registration fee will not be reimbursed.
- After the beginning of the course
- Any course session started is due by the student and for the period booked at the time of the registration.
- In the case of repeated absences or early departure without authorization from the Director, no rescheduling or refund will be applicable.
- No modification of the length of stay is possible, except for the cases listed in the specific conditions. Depending on the case, the session which has already begun remains due and the amount of the pre-registration may be retained from the refunded amount. Moreover, the pricing would be adjusted according to the actual duration of the course.
- If students obtained their entry visa or resident permit using the AF certificate, they must follow the course for the time period and according to the option mentioned on the certificate. In case of non-attendance the prefecture will be informed: (
- Reclaim
- For any reclaim, please fill the form available at the Reception Desk or download it on our website in the “FAQ” section.
- You have to book your accommodation at least 2 weeks in advance.
- After validation of the accommodation application form, the student must pay for the accommodation package.
- The booking will be done only after the payment of the course and subject to availability.
- If the student is staying with a host family, he or she will have to
- Contact the family directly, whose contact details appear on the confirmation letter, to specify their arrival times 8 days in advance.
- Sign the “Rules and Regulations for Accommodation in a host family” and return it signed to the Alliance Française 8 days before the beginning of the stay.
- With proof
- Illness of the student (presentation of a medical certificate) or direct ascendants or descendants.
- Death of a family member (direct ascendants or descendants).
- Hiring (employment contract).
- Without prejudice
- State emergency situation.
- Cases of force majeure and other cases at the discretion of the Management.